Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine


Silke Burkart


Heilpraktikerin * Biologist 






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Acupuncture, Tuina and nutrition coaching


For an acupuncture treatment very fine needles are put into the skin and connective tissue and left there for around 5-30 minutes, depending on the patient and the treatment strategy. Only sterile single-use needles made of stainless steel are used. You might feel a slight pricking but nothing comparable to an injection.  I try to use as few needles as possible but never more than 8 in adults or three in children.

is the art of gently warming acupuncture points. There are several techniques, which can complement or in some cases replace acupuncture.

For cupping cups of a diameter of 2-8 cm are put on painful area and than a vacuum is produced below.  That way stagnation e.g. in form of a stiff neck shall be dissolved.

Gua Sha
means scrape or rub and actually the skin is scraped with a Gua-Sha spoon with comfortably round edges.

(full name: Tuina-Anmo) is the massage technique of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. It combines strengthening, activating and relaxing methods and includes several techniques as massage of soft tissue, acupressure and gentle chiropractic techniques. During the treatment the patient stays fully clothed and is covered with a thin cotton towel.

Tuina is as well as acupuncture valuable in the treatment of a huge variety of diseases and can be applied in combination with acupuncture or instead of acupuncture.

Food therapy:
Nutrition and dietetics traditionally have a high value in any treatment course in Chinese Medicine.  Food is categorized not solely in “healthy” or “unhealthy” but into categories like hot, warm, neutral, cool and cold, its taste and affinity to certain organs and/or meridians. Therefore can a nutritional plan be individually adapted to the patients unique situation. Dietetic therapy should be applied expecially during any chronic disease. A european modification of the nutrition therapy of traditional Chinese Medicine is often known as "5 Element Nutrition". In my practice patients are trained to understand the idea behind the nutrition therapy of Chinese Medicine as well as to experience its benefit physically so that later on they instinctly choose what is good for them according to their life situation and season.

Please read more about the therapies on the website of the oldest association for Chinese medicine and acupuncture in Germany: AGTCM e.V.

Any TCM-therapy influences the human’s qi

This is the base for the physical, emotional and / or rational condition of a person. Qi usually is translated as “energy” but due to the fact that neither the German nor the English language provides a word for a really correct translation, qi is best explained by its functions, which are:

  • To transform: e.g. metabolism, digestion
  • To move: strength of the limbs, flexibility, circulation
  • To protect: e.g. immune system
  • To warm: e.g. thermal sensitivity, warm limbs, hands, feet

TCM distinguishes in diagnosis as well as in treatment between the roots and the symptoms of a disease.


Silke Burkart © 2018 •

Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine * Silke Burkart Heilpraktikerin
T 069-25713994 * please call ahead for appointment * Sophienstr. 29a * 60487 Frankfurt am Main - Bockenheim - Rhein-Main